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We know that music promotes positivity, self-confidence and a sense of community. Therefore, we believe that it should be a part of our everyday practice, whether through daily physical activity, singing in acts of worship, extra-curricular activities or music lessons. Below you will find an overview of what your child will be expected to learn in each of the Key Stages.

In Key Stage 1 the children will learn to use their voices to sing expressively through learning songs and chants linked to their themes. They will begin to develop an awareness of the different interrelated dimensions of music through listening to a range of live and recorded music, and exploring and playing tuned and untuned instruments, which will include contributing to group and class compositions. Children will also use technology to aid their understanding of music and to record their compositional work.

In Key Stage 2 the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of the different interrelated dimensions of music through composing and performing music linked to their themes, in addition to exploring music from other countries, cultures and that of great composers. The children will learn how to read and record notation. Children will also use technology to aid their understanding of music and to record their compositional work.

Progression in music will be assessed by the teacher listening to the children's musical responses and making regular video and audio recordings of their learning in addition to more formal recording of work.

At St.Peter's we will supplement the music curriculum with whole school experiences of live music and live musicians.

National Curriculum - Music key stages 1 to 2 (