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Let Your Light Shine

Matthew 5:16

We help children to achieve success. Our children are shining lights and we give them the confidence to shine in whatever direction and however they choose.

As Peter was Jesus' rock, we are the rock upon which our children build a firm foundation.

Curriculum Intent Statement

All children at Barton St Peter's CE Primary School have access to a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which links directly to National Curriculum objectives. which helps us works towards our vision of allowing everyone to let their light shine. Each theme is based around a high quality text as we recognise that access to quality literature and language is an essential learning tool and we want to foster a love of language through all subjects. Themes have been chosen to excite the children and make the learning fun. Cross-curricular links are made where appropriate and we make clear links to everyday life to ensure that learning is current and relevant. We allow our teachers flexibility in approach to ensure that their teaching is responsive to the needs of the children and also to what is happening in the world around us. We make use of the local environment to support our studies. The curriculum is enhanced by educational visits or experiences both around the local area and further afield. We give the children the foundations they need to continue to grow and shine and we send them out into the world with confidence and independence having had a wealth of experiences and developed a range of skills.

Implementation of our curriculum

Our curriculum will be implemented with our intentions as the drivers behind our actions. 

Our curriculum intent is implemented throughout all subjects and curriculum activities ensuring a broad and balanced learning experience is provided for every child. Clear strategic planning allows the curriculum to be unique, adapting to our school and our children’s needs. Always having high expectations in all areas enables the best possible outcomes and learning journey. Across all subject areas we demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary and develop strong cross-curricular links.

Through the careful strategic planning – daily, weekly and medium term planning is responsive to children’s needs, from Early Years where they demonstrate ‘Planning in the moment’ and across the school in other areas where daily planning and assessment takes place to ensure that teaching and learning is well-matched to learners.

Our success criteria approach ensures that learning and outcomes show progress and challenge.

Our whole school team approach strengthens our ethos and vision as we work together to reflect upon our curriculum and share outcomes driving forward next steps.

Each year group studies a termly cross-curricular topic of work based on the National Curriculum, which is our statutory requirement.

Each class produces a curriculum newsletter outlining the topics they will be learning about during the term. These will be sent out at the start of term.  If you have any questions at any time please do not hesitate to contact either class teachers or the office.


The impact of our curriculum is that children leaving Barton St Peter's have experienced success in a range of fields and know just where their light shines the brightest – they are ready to enter the next phase of their education as confident learners. The children will have had the opportunity to develop passion and thrive in areas where they display talent.

They will have broadened their horizons through a wide range of experiences and will have career aspirations.  They will have developed a high level of communication skills through quality language and literature study.

At the end of each phase, the vast majority of pupils will have sustained mastery of the content, that is, they remember it  and are fluent in it; some pupils have a greater depth of understanding. Knowledge becomes part of the long term memory.  This provides them with a firm foundation upon which to build in their secondary education and beyond.

The children leave St Peter's knowing their worth and knowing that they will always be a part of the BSP family.

To see the extent to which disabled pupils are supported within the curriculum please see our SEND policies 

SEND | Barton St Peter's CE Primary School