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Welcome to Barton St Peter's Governing Body Information Page

The Governing Body for Barton St Peters School is a team of individuals drawn from different sections of our community – Head teachers, staff and parents, local community members and because St Peters is a church school we have representatives from the local church.

Governors are the strategic leaders of the school and have overall responsibility for the way a school is run. We have to promote the highest standards for all the pupils, help to set the overall aims and objectives and monitor the school’s progress towards achieving them.

Governors support and challenge the Head Teacher and are often referred to as “critical friends”. We ask difficult questions, seek information and provide constructive criticism. Overall the three key roles for Governors are - setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring and evaluating school performance.

Individually governors have no direct power within the school. All decisions are made at our full governors meetings or one of the committee meetings though these are generally ratified at the full board meeting

We meet as a full governing board three times each year in the second half of each term. In the first half of each term we have a day of committee meetings. The morning is taken up with the Resources Committee which includes finance, personnel, property and health and safety plus one or two others. This is chaired by Dr James Tannock. The afternoon sees our Teaching and Learning committee, chaired by Mr Andew North which looks at children’s progress and other aspects of teaching and learning. Usually, governors will stay for the full day and if not involved with one of the committees will use the time to take learning walks around the school.

As governors we like to hear the views not only of the staff but also the parents. One or more of us are at most of the events in the school and we look forward to hearing you views. If you would like to contact the chair, Mrs Megan Dent then you can email her via the school or write to the school.

Diversity Statement

As a school we recognise that diversity of thought, voice and perspective is imperative to effective governance.  We recognise that collecting diversity information from our governors can support us to:

  • target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
  • develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
  • prioritise training in identified areas

We are unable to publish this information as it could mean that members of the governing body are identifiable.

Mrs Dent - Chair

Governor Type:  Co Opted Governor   Chair
Term of Office: 11.10.22 - 09.10.26
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None
Other Governance Roles: None
Material interests : Child attends this school 

Responsibilities:   Safeguarding, RSE, Resilience,  Curriculum development,  Teaching, Learning and Attainment

 I am married to Tim and our son Henry attends St Peters and is currently in  Year 6. 

My background is in local government benefit assessment for the last fifteen years however once our son started school, I felt like I would like to become more involved with the school and within a role where I could make a difference. In my short time as a governor I have already learnt so much but am looking forward to learning lots more and expanding my knowledge.

It is wonderful to be a part of the school and to embrace the ethos and values that already exist here

Mr North - Vice Chair

Governor Type:  Co Opted
Term of Office: 04.01.2022 - 03.01.2026
Business/Pecuniary Interests:  None
Other Governance Roles: None
Material Interests: Assistant Head at Baysgarth

Responsibilities: Vice Chair    Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee

I've been a secondary school teacher for the last 15 years, with the most recent 7 years being spent at Baysgarth in the role of Assistant Head.  The opportunity to join Barton St Peter's in the role of governor was one I jumped at as the chance to share ideas and good practice will be hugely beneficial for the staff and students of the Barton community.  I'm really looking forward to getting to know the students at BSP, being able to see all of the fantastic work they produce and I also hope to be able to answer any questions students have about Baysgarth and to reassure them about what life is like in Year 7. 

Father David

Governor Type:  Ex Officio Foundation                   
Term of Office:  10.11.15 - ongoing
Business/Pecuniary Interests:  Parish priest
Other Governance Roles: None

I am the parish priest of the Barton upon Humber group of parishes and a foundation governor at St. Peter’s. Being a governor goes with the job here, but it’s not my first brush with governorship. I was Chair of Governors at a non-Church Primary School in my last parish, and I taught in a Secondary school before ordination.

I don’t pretend to be an educational specialist – but that’s not what I am there for. As a governor, I get chance to see the issues which are likely to impact on staff, students and parents and which may affect the wellbeing of the school community – for good or ill. A Church school (which is not the same as a “Faith School” whatever the papers say) has a particular duty for the flourishing of everyone within the community, and being on the Board of Governors gives me the opportunity to pick up on that sort of thing early on. Oh, and occasionally I have even been known to make a useful observation!

Mr Trowsdale

Governor Type:  Parent Governor
Term of Office: 15.11.22- 14.11.26
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None
Other Governance Roles: 
Material Interests: 
Children attend this school, Works for North Lincolnshire
Responsibilities:  health and safety

Mrs Parsons

Governor Type:  Parent Governor
Term of Office: 15.11.22- 14.11.26
Business/Pecuniary Interests:
Other Governance Roles: 
Material Interests: 
Children attend this school, Works for North Lincolnshire
Responsibilities:  Pupil Premium, attendance, safeguarding

I’m Zoe and I have a background in safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of children.

Barton St Peter’s has become very much part of my life now both my boys attend the school. I too feel very much part of the Barton St Peter’s family and wanted to contribute to the school in some way. In November 2022 the opportunity to become a Governor became available and I didn’t hesitate to become involved.

In the short time I’ve been a Governor, I have learned many aspects that contribute to the high standard of education, alongside the love and care for the children of Barton St Peter’s. I hope to make a positive contribution by upholding the high standards we have come to expect, as well as to the vision and values of Barton St Peter’s.

Mrs Wind

Governor Type:  Foundation                    
Term of Office:  20.3.23-19.3.27
Business/Pecuniary Interests:  
Other Governance Roles: 
Material Interests:  None

Responsibilities :  Safeguarding , Church school distinctiveness

My children attended Barton St. Peter's so I have had links with the school since 1981. I have been employed at the school for over 26 years, as a lunchtime supervisor, Teaching assistant and then in an administrative role since 1992. I have seen lots of changes over the years!

This is my fourth time as a governor, twice as the non-teaching governor and now as a Foundation governor. I am a regular member of St. Mary’s church and when the foundation governor position became vacant is seemed logical that I represent the church.

Mr Tannock

Governor Type:  Foundation Governor               
Term of Office:  10.05.2022 - 09.05.2026
Business/Pecuniary Interests:  None
Other Governance Roles: None
Material Interests: Child attends this school 

Responsibilities:   Chair of resources committee, Well being and Attendance

I am a retired university academic, most recently teaching in a Business School. I have lived and worked in several countries, but Barton has been my home since 2014. In 2015, my daughter started at St Peter’s in Oak Unit. She is currently in Year 6, so I have some knowledge of the school from a parent’s perspective. 

I was appointed in 2022 as a Foundation Governor, from St Mary’s Church, where I am Churchwarden. The Foundation Governors are expected to uphold, monitor and develop the Christian vision and values of the school. I have had a good experience as parent of a child at St Peter’s, and I hope to be helpful and supportive governor

Miss Sandon

Governor Type:  Co-opted Governor 
Term of Office: 21.1.2025 - 20.01.2029
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None
Other Governance Roles: None
Material Interests: Member of staff within the school

Responsibilities:  Resiliance , Attendance, Pupil Premium

Mrs Burman

Governor Type:  Local Authority Governor                   
Term of Office: 26.10.22-25.10.26
Business/Pecuniary Interests:  None
Other Governance Roles: None
Material Interests: Child attends this school , Employed at SJN

Responsibilities:   SEND

I am an ex pupil of St Peters attending when my family moved from Aberdeen Scotland, when I was 8 years old. I completed a BSc (HONS) in Criminology and Sociology at Teesside University in Middlesbrough. I worked at Geest Prepared foods in Barton for 8 years as a Quality Auditor before becoming the Intelligence Unit Office Manager at Humberside Police. I was responsible for support staff and the management of the Divisional Criminal Intelligence System, identifying risk in relation to sensitive graded intelligence.

I am married to Anth and our son attends the school. He is very happy at school and is learning so much, growing with confidence all the time.

I am a new Governor, but I am looking forward to the challenge, and feel passionate about young people’s education, well-being and safety. I’d like to help the school continue to build on the great ethos and values that already exist.

Mr Wilson

Governor Type:  Staff Governor                   
Term of Office:  22.09.2022 - 21.09.2026
Business/Pecuniary Interests:  None
Other Governance Roles: None
Material Interests: Employed at BSP as deputy head 

Responsibilities:  All

I've been a governor at BSP since taking up my role as Deputy Headteacher in 2022. I taught in other schools in North Lincolnshire and Leeds before joining BSP and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the children, families and community we serve. 

I am not a local to the area, being from Middlesbrough originally, so I am still getting to know the locality and what it has to offer- I love Waters Edge and The Humber Bridge - both are places I enjoy running. You might see me there after a busy day at school. 

Being a part of the School's Governing Body allows me to ensure we uphold, monitor and develop the Christian vision and values of the school whilst ensuring our high expectations and standards for pupil outcomes are maintained. 

Miss Brack

Governor Type:  Headteacher                  
Term of Office:   1.1.2018 - ongoing
Business/Pecuniary Interests: None
Other Governance Roles:  The Riverview Federation 
Material Interests: Head of the school

Responsibilities:   All