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Each child has a daily writing lesson. Throughout the school, children are taught within their own classes, which are of mixed ability. Children are taught English using a combination of the 'Talk for Writing' approach and a structure which follows our model writing skeleton (see attachment below). Our strategy encourages the use of talking, collaboration, and emersion in a high-quality text. The high-quality text provides exciting stimuli for writing; our children examine written structures, vocabulary and linguistic features so that they can then apply them in their own writing effectively. Through shared and modelled writing, children are taught how to apply a range of grammar and punctuation styles in their written work. We teach our children to write with a clear audience and purpose in mind. All writing activities are accompanied by a success criteria, enabling our children to see the steps to be successful in their writing, this includes non-negotiables for writing and promotes regular opportunities for self and peer-assessment. In addition to this, handwriting is currently taught daily across the school, in response to the pandemic.

All children follow the National Curriculum for English, which you will find below. Cross-curricular writing opportunities are planned regularly to develop children’s confidence in writing and deepen their understanding of the topics studied. Further to this, we use the approach of reading to learn to build children’s confidence in using their reading learning to inform their own independent writing through research and ‘magpie’ opportunities.  

National Curriculum English